The LAPD Centurion Corporation is a registered 501c3 non-profit for public benefit corporation registered in California. The board of directors and officers in the corporation work to accomplish the three-fold mission of the organization, which is to raise funds for charity, establish a brotherhood of first responders throughout the nation, and promote community engagement through athletic competition.
Made up entirely of volunteers, each position in the corporation (chairman, president, secretary, etc.) is filled by those who donate their time to further our mission. Through each of these goals, we wish to present the people we serve with a more significant representation of what we are as peace officers in the communities in which we serve.
The board of directors typically meets every four weeks to manage the business and run the corporation. Tasks are delegated to each officer as they fall within their respective areas of responsibility. To learn more about the corporation and contact those that serve, visit the About Us page.
The LA Centurion football team is the primary arm of the organization. Let by a general manager and composed of volunteers who serve as coaches, trainers, and players. Our coaches and staff come from local high schools and colleges in the Los Angeles area.
While they are not paid for their time and services, coaches and trainers are compensated for most expenses they incur while in service of the football team. They also donate their time to help in the events and fundraisers we have throughout the year to assist the charities we serve.
The players are required to be full-time first responders serving in a police, firefighter or paramedic capacity. They too are not compensated for the time they spend practicing or playing but donate their time outside of work to the team and the charities.